24 stories

Netflix Is Ditching Five-Star Ratings in Favor of a Thumbs-Up

1 Comment

Lauren Goode, reporting for The Verge:

Netflix will soon be changing changing its ratings system for the first time in several years, switching from a traditional five-star rating to a thumbs-up / thumbs-down system, Netflix vice president of product Todd Yellin said in a press briefing today.

“Five stars feels very yesterday now,” Yellin said. “We’re spending many billions of dollars on the titles we’re producing and licensing, and with these big catalogs, that just adds a challenge.” He added that “bubbling up the stuff people actually want to watch is super important.”

I give this change a thumbs-up. Everyone knows what “like” and “dislike” mean. People have very different opinions on 1-5 star ratings.

(A “meh” — neither like nor dislike, would be good too.)

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2779 days ago
A 'meh' would be nice, but then you'd probably want to add a 'two thumbs up' and 'two thumbs down' but... wait then you'd be at 5 stars again.
2778 days ago
Not rating = meh.
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Texas Grand Jury Clears Planned Parenthood, Indicts Pair Who Made Video

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Brian M. Rosenthal and Brian Rogers, reporting for the Houston Chronicle:

A Harris County grand jury investigating allegations that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston illegally sold the tissue of aborted fetuses has cleared the organization of wrongdoing and instead indicted two anti-abortion activists behind the undercover videos that sparked the probe.

Secret videographers David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were both indicted on charges of tampering with a governmental record, a second degree felony that carries a punishment of up to 20 years in prison. Daleiden received an additional misdemeanor indictment under the law prohibiting the purchase and sale of human organs.

I’m celebrating this schadenfreude-tastic moment with a contribution to Planned Parenthood.

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3196 days ago
And the conspiracy theorists everywhere say, "See? The gov'ment is protecting them!" But nice to see this result.
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3196 days ago
Finally stepping up, Texas. Good.
3196 days ago
Good job, Texas!
3196 days ago
Washington, DC

Team Effort

3 Comments and 9 Shares
Given the role they play in every process in my body, really, they deserve this award more than me. Just gotta figure out how to give it to them. Maybe I can cut it into pieces to make it easier to swallow ...
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3409 days ago
Yessss, finally a celebrity who will give credit to the true heroes.
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3400 days ago
I'm fairly certain I've been in terrible a lifelong war with my gut flora, so I don't think I can give those jerks any credit until one or both of us gets our shit together. (Pun intended.)
Louisville, Kentucky
3410 days ago
Given the role they play in every process in my body, really, they deserve this award more than me. Just gotta figure out how to give it to them. Maybe I can cut it into pieces to make it easier to swallow ...

60 Days


Cadie Thompson, writing for CNBC, “Time Is Ticking for Apple to Announce an iWatch, Say Analysts”

Apple needs an iWatch sooner rather than later, or the company will risk losing its innovative edge to rivals, analysts say.

“They only have 60 days left to either come up with something or they will disappear,” said Trip Chowdhry, managing director at Global Equities Research. “It will take years for Apple’s $130 billion in cash to vanish, but it will become an irrelevant company … it will become a zombie, if they don’t come up with an iWatch.”

I’m guessing the ellipsis denotes when he paused for another line of coke.

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3872 days ago
Haha this is hilarious. 60 days, eh?
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3872 days ago
File Chip Chowdhry (a name not even douchey enough for the movies) under: Really?
3872 days ago
Hey, Chip, how are those 3 Apple HDTV models from 2012 doing in sales? http://appleinsider.com/articles/11/07/31/apple_expected_to_launch_3_hdtv_models_by_march_2012_report
3872 days ago
FWIW, I go after Trip with nastier language. http://themacadvocate.com/2014/03/20/3961/
3872 days ago
I guess it makes sense if you only care about the stock price of something which seems to be what the Wall Street game is all about but, good god saying Apple will be a zombie without a smartwatch, or TV or anything? C'mon. Think Chip. Think.
3872 days ago
If Analyst phrase includes "Apple" > /dev/null
3872 days ago
@trekkie well said.

Connect NewsBlur to dozens of web services with IFTTT

23 Comments and 34 Shares

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to automatically copy your saved stories over to Evernote or Twitter or Pinboard? What about an automatic way to keep track of your unread focus (trained) stories in Buffer or Delicious or Dropbox?

IFTTT (if this then that) is a free web service that automates the movement of data from NewsBlur to dozens of other web services. It also handles movement of data from dozens of other web services back into NewsBlur. Today IFTTT is launching a NewsBlur channel where you can take advantage of their incredible glue that binds dozens of web service like NewsBlur in unique and customizable ways.

Customizable IFTTT triggers

The best part about these IFTTT recipes is that the triggers can be customized to fit a specific saved story tag or blurblog or folder or feed. When you create a recipe using NewsBlur, you can choose which of your own feeds or tags you want to use.

You can also choose to only use unread focus (trained) stories. So you can filter out stories you don’t want to read and highlight the stories you do want to read using the Intelligence Trainer.

Create tasks and recipes with IFTTT

Here’s a sample of IFTTT recipes that you can use today for moving your data from NewsBlur out to other services:

IFTTT Recipe: When you save a story on NewsBlur, it will get saved for later on Instapaper. connects newsblur to instapaper

IFTTT Recipe: Saving a story on NewsBlur also saves it to Pocket connects newsblur to pocket

IFTTT Recipe: When you save a story on NewsBlur, it will create a new link note on Evernote. connects newsblur to evernote

IFTTT Recipe: When you save a story on NewsBlur, add a private bookmark to Pinboard. connects newsblur to pinboard

IFTTT Recipe: Save a story on NewsBlur → Add to Buffer connects newsblur to buffer

IFTTT Recipe: New saved story → tweet it connects newsblur to twitter

IFTTT Recipe: New saved story → post it on Facebook connects newsblur to facebook

You can also take data from other services and move it into NewsBlur:

IFTTT Recipe: If you post anything on your Tumblr blog, share it on your NewsBlur blurblog. connects tumblr to newsblur

IFTTT Recipe: New public photo in your 500px photo stream → share a link to it on your NewsBlur blurblog connects 500px to newsblur

Mix and match and create your own IFTTT recipes using the NewsBlur channel. And if you put together a good recipe, it’ll get featured both on IFTTT and on NewsBlur.

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3900 days ago
Ah, this is such good news. I was just yesterday dreaming about how I used to have my recipes with Google Reader, and here I get to switch them over to Newsblur. Yesssss.
3900 days ago
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21 public comments
3884 days ago
Awesome work!
3895 days ago
We were waiting for this for a long time!
Sri Lanka
3896 days ago
Seems I need to create an IFTTT account now.
Texas, USA
3898 days ago
Two of my favourite services, IFTTT and Newsblur, now talk to each other.
Melbourne, Australia
3899 days ago
Melbourne, Australia
3899 days ago
Love it.
3900 days ago
Testing the new Newsblur IFTTT channel.
Norf East London, UK
3900 days ago
I was just thinking a few days ago, "Wouldn't it be nice if Newsblur worked with IFTTT" and now here it is :-) Thanks! Time to go set up some new recipes...
New Jersey
3900 days ago
OMG wow, I connected my wordpress and newsblur in under 60 seconds. Wow!
Sydney Australia
3900 days ago
@Newsblur + @IFTTT = genius. Congrats, @samuelclay!
Worldwide | NYC
3900 days ago
Woohoo, integration!
Los Angeles, CA
3900 days ago
Great addition to an excellent product/service!
Ottawa, Ontario
3900 days ago
Philadelphia, PA, USA
3900 days ago
Finishes a hole with Newsblur!
Columbus, Ohio
3900 days ago
3900 days ago
this makes me happy
3900 days ago
Well, this finally got me to sign up to ITTT
3900 days ago
San Antonio, TX
3900 days ago
Excellent. This solves a lot of problems at once.
New York, NY
3900 days ago
If you set it up right you could start using saved story tags as simple commands.
3900 days ago
Yup that's precisely what I've done :)
3899 days ago
Let me know if there's a way I can make that easier. I'd like to get a way to put focus inside the saved tags text box, but that'll require a keyboard shortcut. Which one?
3899 days ago
I can't think of anything semantic that isn't taken. Semicolon?
3899 days ago
Or shift-t as in tag. I'm on my phone and can't remember if that's taken.
3897 days ago
Is there no way to tag within the iOS app?
3896 days ago
Not yet. Upcoming update won't have it, but next one will.
3896 days ago
Got it. Thanks!
3900 days ago
holy s**t!!!! yay!!
San Francisco, CA
3900 days ago
This closes a huge loop for me. Back in May 2012 I applied to work at IFTTT while waiting on my YC application. In the unlikely event that I got into YC with NewsBlur I would have greatly enjoyed working for IFTTT.

And now nearly two years later I get to work *with* IFTTT.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
3900 days ago
This is great! Have you considered Zapier integration? It's similar to IFTTT
3900 days ago
Sam, is the feed from newsblur to ITTT putting in bit.ly links, or is that something ITTT is doing? EDIT: It's a preference in ITTT, which I've disabled and everything looks kosher now. SWEET!
3900 days ago
Zapier was actually in my YC batch. I'm planning it for next month.
3900 days ago
Wild - kudos
3900 days ago
Nice one - about 18 months ago (ish?) I used my blurblog RSS feed to pump data into IFTTT but wasn't happy with the results - will give this a whirl and see if it does what I'm looking for now. Love a bit of automation. Good work!
3900 days ago
Congrats! I remember asking about integration when I signed up. Glad to see it arrive.
3899 days ago
Andi, I expect that the output won't change much, since you can setup an IFTTT recipe using your blurblog just the same. The difference is that there is no comment header on the top of IFTTT's copy of your shared story like there is on RSS.
3899 days ago
OK cheers Samuel - will give it a try anyway!
3892 days ago
SO GLAD you worked Newsblur Samuel - and that IFTTT made it without you. Selfish, I know. I love both these apps.

Lessons I Have Learned From My Parents’ Kitchen

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ortbergs1. One bottle of red wine can last two adults a week and a half. Somewhere around day seven, the cork will disappear; a mashed-up ball of foil jammed into the bottle neck will work just as well.

2. There is no amount of leftovers too small not to bring home in a doggie bag and prepare for lunch the next day. Two bites of salmon can be turned into nearly four tablespoons’ worth of salmon paté.

3. Yogurt never goes bad. Leave it in the fridge forever.

4. Have one favorite mug and one favorite miniature wineglass, but keep them a secret and change which one it is every three years. Gasp in horror if any of your children have mistakenly used them — “I was saving that for my cup of tea in the morning tomorrow!” even though it is four in the afternoon and there is plenty of time to wash it — but never tell them which one it is, so that they could avoid using it.

5. Hide a single bag of candy in your nightstand drawer and a large paper bag full of the best flavor of protein bars in your closet. Never notice how many pieces go missing until you run out, then wander into the kitchen and ask, “Have any of you been eating my [treat I value so highly I won't leave it in the kitchen, where food is]?” Believe them when they lie.

6. The best thing to do with the single potato in your pantry that has sprouted Viking horns and gently waving legs is to let it stay there. Potatoes rot cyclically, so the sprouts will eventually retract and the potato will become safe to eat.

7. Never keep olive oil, root vegetables, tomatoes, eggs, pasta, or any other meal staples in your house, but do make sure to have exactly two Skinny Cow caramel cones and an exploded frozen bottle of root beer in your freezer at all times.

8. Could you own more never-opened jams? You could own more never-opened jams.

9. Always keep two separate boxes of chocolate-covered almonds; one for the house and one specifically for you, and know the exact level of chocolate-covered almonds inside both boxes to within a micron.

10. Remember: it doesn’t matter how empty the fridge itself is, as long as the shelves on both doors are absolutely crammed with mayonnaise bottles, ketchup bottles, four different variations on honey mustard, horseradish you only use for the horseradish sauce you make on Christmas Eve, aloe vera gel for sunburns, and half-drunk bottles of sparkling water you’re going to finish someday after you get them nice and flat.

11. Mallory, close the door, you’re letting all the cold air out. Why do you come over here and poke through the fridge and criticize everything and throw things away? Why don’t you go home? You have your own kitchen there.

Read more Lessons I Have Learned From My Parents’ Kitchen at The Toast.

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3916 days ago
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3916 days ago
Portland, OR
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